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Our Baby Room:

Our Baby Room is for Babies aged 3 months to 2 years. In the Baby Room we have two members of staff who are NVQ Level 3 qualified, and are both paediatric first aid trained and have their food hygiene. We can have up to 6 babies with 2 members of staff. All the babies have their own key person, who settles them into Nursery and does the daily care routines for the child. In the Baby Room their is a lot of free-play and free choice activities to develop and stimulate their development. We have a carpet area, where toys are set up to develop their learning and develop their interests. We have a wet floor area, where we do creative and messy play, such as painting, cornflour play, playdough, sand and water. The babies have the opportunity to express their feelings and explore their senses. The babies routine is very flexible as they are at different ages and stages of development. We have different areas of the room with different resources in. We have a role-play area, music area, construction area, sensory area and a creative area, where the babies can play, and explore using their senses to learn new skills through their development and play.

Our Toddler Room:

Our Toddler Room is for young children aged 2 to 3 years. We have 3 members of staff based within this room and an apprentice training to complete her Level 3. Our ratio is 1(adult):4(children). We can have up to 16 children in the room. The staff all hold a recognised Child Care qualification and two of them are First Aid trained.

We have four key groups, the Butterflies, the Ladybird's, the Dragonflies and the Bumblebee's. Each child's Key Person, will observe and plan activities to support the children in reaching their developmental milestones, and then provide next steps to develop the children further. The Key Person will also be responsible for the child's care needs.

Within the Toddler Room it is a legal requirement for the staff to carry out a 2 and 1/2 year development check on each child, to be given to the child's Health Visitor. So this will be carried out by the child's Key Person.

The room is very spacious with a Home-corner, Creative area, Music area, Construction area, Small-world area and Book corner, which is easy accessible for the children and at their level.

Within this age range we support the parents with toilet training as and when the time is right for the child, providing them with the low level toilets and potty's depending on the child's preference.

Our Biggie Room:

Our Biggie Room is for children aged 3 to 4 years. In this room we can have up to 16 children at a time, in our downstairs room, and we have additional rooms upstairs for another 8 children. There are 4 members of qualified staff which support the children to flourish and develop. The room is split into different areas and is free flow where the children can choose a variety of resources to enhance their learning such as Maths area, Home-corner, Creative area, Block area and Graphics area. We support the children to make new friends, to write their names, counting and to try new activities.

We have another room upstairs which we use daily to support our key group children. However adult planned activities are also done on a daily basis. These encourage the children to develop with their peers and staff. The activities provided are to challenge yet emphasize their learning. Children have progressed tremendously while they have been with us, which shows on our summative tracking, which is done 4 times within the year.

Biggies Outdoor Environment:

The children love exploring our outdoor garden area. This space is used to look at and care for the plants and be closer to nature. Different plants, herbs, and trees are grown in the area and the children are taught how to maintain and watch them grow. Most of the resources out there are all natural. They are encouraged to use this space daily.

4-11 Klub:

At Kaleidoscope we are in partnership with Longford Primary School and offer an After School Club for children aged 4 to 11 years, term time, and then during the School Holidays we have a Holiday Club for children aged 4 to 11 years. They are based on our first floor of our building and have two rooms. One room is an art room where they have lots of creative activities going on as well as cooking, games and free choice activities. The second room has a quiet area, with reading materials, a TV and games console and also a role-play area.

Our Garden:

In our garden we have a grass area and a playground area. On the grass area we have a story-telling area, and large musical instruments. On the playground area we have a digging area that the children can access, using the tools to look for insects. We have stepping logs for them to climb and balance on. There is a variety of toys out there for them to play with, large cars, pots and pans for the house out there, bats and balls. We also have a large shed which we store the bikes in for the children to have out.

Our Kitchen:

We have an on-site Cook, who freshly prepares our meals for us daily. The children are offered Breakfast, Dinner and Snack, prepared by her. They also have fruit and milk in the morning and also the afternoon. We provide a very healthy and balanced menu, offering a variety of foods from different cultures. The menu is on a four week rota, changing according to the Summer and Winter time. The Cook takes into account vegetarians, providing them with an alternative. The allergens for each meal prepared are listed on the menu alongside the meal.

Please click the link below to view a copy of our menu's:

Winter Menu                     Summer Menu

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